
301 Rockwood Road
Murray, KY 42071
United States

8:30am - 5:30pm

HempWood® is a well performing, engineered wood product manufactured in Murray, KY by Fibonacci, LLC with the assistance of Murray State University and its Center for Agricultural Hemp. It is CARB 2 compliant, and has higher Janka hardness and dimensional stability ratings than domestic hardwoods including oak, maple, and hickory. To produce HempWood®, fiber hemp stalks are crushed, soaked in a soy-based adhesive, dried, compressed, and baked into blocks.

The manufacturing process is based on an algorithm that allows a plant fiber to be transformed into a wood composite. From the composite blocks, lumber is cut and finished into flooring, panels, wood turning blanks, picture frames, and cabinet and table kits.

The products are carbon negative and the most sustainable flooring / furnishing / lumber (interior non-structural) wood products available.


Hemp is a renewable resource that grows in 120 days and prevents deforestation.
Each acre of hemp can be a replacement for 15 to 30 oak trees that take 50-100 years to grow. Because of the high demand for solid oak furniture. Oak trees are among the most endangered trees on the planet. Further, 78 species of oak tree are now in danger of going extinct as a result of logging and deforestation.

Most of the hemp used in our factory is grown within 60 miles of the factory, and all is grown within 100 miles.

While hemp is growing it removes carbon from the air. In a recent collaboration with BMW, the auto manufacturer stated that growing one acre of hemp offsets the burning of 100 gallons of automotive fuel.

The poplar plywood on which the flooring and panels are mounted is FSC certified and manufactured by Columbia Forestry in Virginia.

An onsite bio-burner uses hemp waste to fuel ovens and dryers. A scrubber on the bio-burner eliminates carbon emissions resulting from material burning. Hemp waste is also used by other manufacturers to create a plastic alternative, as a hay alternative in the stalls of local horses, and as feed for pigs.

Depending on the site of the building project, HempWood® earns approximately four LEED points.

Products made from hemp will outlast their competition by many years. Not only is hemp strong, but it also holds its shape, stretching less than any other natural fiber. This characteristic results in its ability to hold nails better. It expands and contracts less in humid climates, has more noise absorption than hardwood, and is a denser wood that results in a more stable product.

HempWood® may be cut, sanded and stained.

Our flooring is built on an engineered format with a 4mm top layer, and tongue and groove profile. It has 2200 lbf Janka hardness rating; and may be nailed, glued or floated. Bona sealers are used on pre-finished options.

Choose HempWood® for health, sustainability, and your unique style!
Locally Owned
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